
Learn how to get the most out of ACME for your own work by running through a quick but (hopefully) illustrative example that starts simple and subsequently turns on ACME’s bells and whistles.


Assume the function defined below is supposed to be run multiple times in parallel for different values of x, y and z

def f(x, y, z=3):
    return (x + y) * z

The following code calls f with four different values of x (namely 2, 4, 6 and 8) sets y to 4 (for all calls) and similarly leaves z at its default value of 3:

from acme import ParallelMap
with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4) as pmap:
    results = pmap.compute()

What’s going on here? ACME starts a dask distributed.Client containing four parallel workers (or fewer depending on available resources) that call f with the provided input values to perform the following calculations concurrently:

  • Computation #0: 18 = (2 + 4) * 3 (x = 2, y = 4, z = 3)

  • Computation #1: 24 = (4 + 4) * 3 (x = 4, y = 4, z = 3)

  • Computation #2: 30 = (6 + 4) * 3 (x = 6, y = 4, z = 3)

  • Computation #3: 36 = (8 + 4) * 3 (x = 8, y = 4, z = 3)

Where Are My Results?

By default results are saved to disk in HDF5 format and results is a list of the corresponding filenames:

>>> results

Note that ACME auto-generates a directory named ACME_YYYYMMDD-hhmmss-ffffff (encoding the current time as YearMonthDay-HourMinuteSecond-Microsecond). Each evaluation of f is stored in a dedicated HDF5 file, that in turn is referenced in an aggregate results container pmap.results_container (comprised of external links):

>>> pmap.results_container

In the above example, four HDF5 files are generated: f_0.h5, f_1.h5, f_2.h5, f_3.h5, each comprising the result of calling f with the provided input values (i.e., f_0.h5 stores the result of Computation #0: 18 = (2 + 4) * 3, f_1.h5 holds the result of Computation #1: 24 = (4 + 4) * 3 and so on). The collective results of all calls of f are gathered in a single HDF5 container f.h5 whose group-/data-set structure follows the format shown below:

  └─ result_0
  └─ result_0
  └─ result_0
  └─ result_0

The contents of the containers can be accessed using h5py:

import h5py
with h5py.File(pmap.results_container, "r") as h5f:
    comp0 = h5f["comp_0"]["result_0"][()]
    comp1 = h5f["comp_1"]["result_0"][()]
    comp2 = h5f["comp_2"]["result_0"][()]
    comp3 = h5f["comp_3"]["result_0"][()]

print(comp0, comp1, comp2, comp3)
>>> [18] [24] [30] [36]

The dataset name “result_0” stores the first return value of the user-provided function f. If f returns multiple quantities, analogously named datasets ‘result_0’, “result_1”, “result_2”, … are automatically created in the constructed HDF5 containers. See Auto-Generated HDF5-Files for more details.


By default, the aggregate results container generated by ACME does not contain actual data but only points to the corresponding HDF5 files found in the respective _payload directory. Thus, the results container is only meaningful in conjunction with its associated payload.

To override the target directory ACME writes HDF5 containers to, the output_dir keyword can be provided:

from acme import ParallelMap
with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4, output_dir="/path/to/folder") as pmap:
    results = pmap.compute()


>>> results


>>> pmap.results_container


While ACME’s default storage format is HDF5, user-functions that return non-HDF compatible objects can be processed too as long as the returned quantities are serializable. By setting write_pickle to True when calling ParallelMap, ACME pickles results instead of creating HDF5 containers. See Alternative Storage Format: Pickle (write_pickle) for an example and more information. In addition, ACME uses an “emergency pickling” strategy to save results if at all possible: if the output of some computational runs cannot be stored in HDF5, ACME switches to on-demand pickling regardless of the provided write_pickle setting.

Alternatively, results may be collected directly in memory by setting write_worker_results to False. This is not recommended, since values have to be gathered from compute nodes via ethernet (slow) and are accumulated in the local memory of the interactive node you are using (potential memory overflow):

with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4, write_worker_results=False) as pmap:
    results = pmap.compute()

Now results is a list of integers:

>>> results
[18, 24, 30, 36]

Override Automatic Input Argument Distribution

Next, suppose f has to be evaluated for the same values of x (again 2, 4, 6 and 8), but y is not a number but a NumPy array:

import numpy as np
y = np.ones((3,)) * 4
with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], y) as pmap:
    results = pmap.compute()

This fails, because it is not clear which input is to be split up and distributed across workers for parallel execution:

ValueError: <ParallelMap> automatic input distribution failed: found 2 objects containing 3 to 4 elements. Please specify n_inputs manually.

In this case, n_inputs has to be provided explicitly (write_worker_results is set to False for illustration purposes only)

with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], y, n_inputs=4, write_worker_results=False) as pmap:
    results = pmap.compute()


>>> results
[array([18., 18., 18.]),
 array([24., 24., 24.]),
 array([30., 30., 30.]),
 array([36., 36., 36.])]

Note that setting n_inputs manually can also be used to execute a function n_inputs times with the same arguments (again write_worker_results is set to False for illustration purposes only):

with ParallelMap(f, 2, 3, n_inputs=4, write_worker_results=False) as pmap:
    results = pmap.compute()


>>> results
[15, 15, 15, 15]

This functionality is sometimes useful for routines that randomize their in- and/or outputs. An example and more information is provided in Randomization and Concurrency (taskID)

Collect Results in Single Dataset

When evaluating functions that return a NumPy array (like in the example above), it is sometimes beneficial to aggregate results in a single dataset. Assume the four 1d-arrays of the above parallel evaluation of f are to be collected in a single 2d-array. This can be achieved by specifying the keyword result_shape where a (single!) None entry delineates the “stacking dimension” along which computed results are to be put together

y = np.ones((3,)) * 4
with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], y, n_inputs=4, result_shape=(None, 3)) as pmap:
    results = pmap.compute()

The generated container is structured as follows:

>>> h5f = h5py.File(pmap.results_container, "r")
>>> h5f.keys()
<KeysViewHDF5 ['result_0']>
>>> h5f["result_0"]
<HDF5 dataset "result_0": shape (4, 3), type "<f8">
>>> h5f["result_0"][()]
array([[18., 18., 18.],
       [24., 24., 24.],
       [30., 30., 30.],
       [36., 36., 36.]])

Instead of four HDF5 groups (“comp_0”, …, “comp_3”) each containing one dataset (“result_0”), only a single dataset “result_0” is generated, whose dimension is set a-priori via result_shape = (None, 3): this tells ACME that incoming results are 3-component vectors, that are to be stacked along the first dimension (position of None) of a 2d-dataset.

In case the exact size of a single dimension cannot be determined a-priori, ACME supports HDF5 datasets with “unlimited” dimensions by using np.inf in result_shape. For instance, the above example can be equivalently rewritten as

with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], y, n_inputs=4, result_shape=(None, np.inf)) as pmap_inf:

Then ACME fills an HDF5 dataset at runtime with computed entries yielding the same (4, 3)-array

>>> h5py.File(pmap.results_container, "r")["result_0"][()]
array([[18., 18., 18.],
       [24., 24., 24.],
       [30., 30., 30.],
       [36., 36., 36.]])

Results may also be collected in memory by setting write_worker_results to False (not recommended):

y = np.ones((3,)) * 4
with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], y, n_inputs=4, result_shape=(None, 3), write_worker_results=False) as pmap:
    results = pmap.compute()

This yields:

>>> results
[array([[18., 18., 18.],
        [24., 24., 24.],
        [30., 30., 30.],
        [36., 36., 36.]])]

Note that in contrast to the example given in the previous section Override Automatic Input Argument Distribution, results does not contain four (3,)-arrays, but one (4, 3)-array. Also, “unlimited” dimension specifications via np.inf in result_shape are not supported with in-memory arrays created by write_worker_results = False. More information and additional control options are discussed in Advanced Usage and Customization.

Reuse Worker Clients

Instead of letting ACME automatically start and stop parallel worker clients witch each invocation of ParallelMap, a dask distributed.Client can be customized and set up manually before launching the actual concurrent computation. The convenience functions slurm_cluster_setup() (on HPC clusters managed by the SLURM Workload Manager) and local_cluster_setup() (on local multi-core machines) provide this functionality by wrapping dask_jobqueue.SLURMCluster and distributed.LocalCluster, respectively. Once a client has been set up, any subsequent invocation of ParallelMap automatically picks up the allocated client and distributes computational payload across the workers collected inside.


The routine esi_cluster_setup() is specifically geared to the SLURM setup of the ESI HPC cluster. If you are working on the ESI cluster, please use esi_cluster_setup() to allocate computing clients.

Alternatively, instead of manually setting up computing resources using the *_cluster_setup routines, any distributed client automatically sized and started by ParallelMap can be re-used for subsequent computations by setting the stop_client keyword to False. Assume ACME is used on a HPC cluster managed by SLURM and suppose f needs to be evaluated for fixed values of x and y with z varying randomly 500 times between 1 and 10. Since f is a very simple function, it is not necessary to spawn 500 SLURM workers (=jobs) for this. Instead, allocate only 50 workers in the “smallest” available queue on your cluster (“8GBXS” on the ESI HPC cluster), i.e., each worker has to perform 10 evaluations of f. Additionally, keep the workers alive for re-use afterwards

x = 2
y = 4
rng = np.random.default_rng()
z = rng.integers(low=1, high=10, size=500, endpoint=True)
with ParallelMap(f, x, y, z=z, n_workers=50, partition="8GBXS", stop_client=False) as pmap:
    results = pmap.compute()

This yields

>>> len(results)

In a subsequent computation f needs to be evaluated for 1000 samples of z. In the previous call, stop_client was False, thus the next invocation of ParallelMap re-uses the allocated distributed.Client object containing 50 SLURM workers:

z = rng.integers(low=1, high=10, size=1000, endpoint=True)
with ParallelMap(f, x, y, z=z) as pmap:
    results = pmap.compute()

Note the info message:

<ParallelMap> INFO: Attaching to global parallel computing client <Client: 'tcp://' processes=50 threads=50, memory=400.00 GB>

Debugging And Estimating Resource Consumption

Debugging programs running in parallel can be quite tricky. For instance, assume the function f is (erroneously) called with z set to None. In a regular sequential setting, identifying the problem is (relatively) straight-forward:

>>> f(2, 4, z=None)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'int' and 'NoneType'

However, when executing f in parallel using SLURM

with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4, z=None) as pmap:
    results = pmap.compute()

the resulting error message can be somewhat overwhelming

Function:  execute_task
args:      ((<function reify at 0x7f425c25b0d0>, (<function map_chunk at 0x7f425c25b4c0>,
<function ACMEdaemon.func_wrapper at 0x7f42569f1e50>, [[2], [4], [None], ['/cs/home/fuertingers/ACME_20201217-160137-984430'],
['f_0.h5'], [0], [<function f at 0x7f425c34bee0>]], ['z', 'outDir', 'outFile', 'taskID', 'userFunc'], {})))
kwargs:    {}
Exception: TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'int' and 'NoneType'")
slurmstepd: error: *** JOB 1873974 ON esi-svhpc18 CANCELLED AT 2020-12-17T16:01:43 ***

To narrow down problems with parallel execution, the compute() method of ParallelMap offers the debug keyword. If enabled, all function calls are performed in the local thread of the active Python interpreter. Thus, the actual execution is not performed in parallel. This allows regular error propagation and even permits the use of tools like pdb or %debug iPython magics.

with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4, z=None) as pmap:
    results = pmap.compute(debug=True)

which results in

<ipython-input-2-47feb885f020> in f(x, y, z)
    1 def f(x, y, z=3):
----> 2     return (x + y) * z
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'int' and 'NoneType'

In addition, ACME can be used to estimate memory consumption as well as runtime of compute jobs before actually launching a full concurrent processing run. This functionality permits to get a (rough) estimate of resource requirements for queuing systems and it allows to test-drive ACME’s automatically generated argument lists prior to the actual concurrent computation. For instance,

>>> with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4, dryrun=True) as pmap:
>>>     results = pmap.compute()
<ParallelMap> INFO: Performing a single dry-run of f simulating randomly picked worker #1 with automatically distributed arguments
<ParallelMap> INFO: Dry-run completed. Elapsed time is 0.004725 seconds, estimated memory consumption was 0.01 MB.
Do you want to continue executing f with the provided arguments? [Y/n] n

In general it is strongly recommended to make sure any function supplied to ParallelMap works as intended in a sequential setting prior to running it in parallel.

Interactive Monitoring

When ACME starts a distributed.Client, dask automatically sets up a diagnostic dashboard for the client. The dashboard is a web interface that allows live monitoring of workers and their respective computations. ACME displays the link for connecting to the dashboard as soon as it successfully launched a new distributed computing client. For instance, invoking ParallelMap on a local machine prints:

<local_cluster_setup> Cluster dashboard accessible at

Clicking on the link (or copy-pasting it to your browser) opens the client’s diagnostic dashboard. This web interface offers various ways to monitor the current state, memory and CPU usage of parallel workers and also provides an overview of the global status of the concurrent processing task started by ParallelMap:


Non-Interactive Logging

In addition, if ACME’s automatic result management is used (i.e., if write_worker_results is True), a log-file is created alongside the files generated on disk. Depending on the chosen verbosity level of ACME’s messaging system (i.e., if verbose is either False, None or True), the generated log-file contains (very) detailed runtime information of the performed computation.

Wait, There’s More…

ACME attempts to be as agnostic of user-provided functions as possible. However, there are some technical limitations that impose medium to hard boundaries as to what a user-provided function func can and should do. Most important, input arguments of func must be regular Python objects (lists, tuples, scalars, strings, etc.) or NumPy arrays. If ACME’s HDF5 storage backend is used, then additionally func’s return values must be HDF5 compatible (i.e., scalars, arrays or strings). More information and technical background is provided in Advanced Usage and Customization.