Source code for acme.dask_helpers

# Helper routines for working w/dask
# Copyright © 2023 Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience
# in Cooperation with Max Planck Society
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

# Builtin/3rd party package imports
import os
import sys
import socket
import platform
import subprocess
import getpass
import time
import inspect
import textwrap
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
if sys.platform == "win32":                                             # pragma: no cover
    # tqdm breaks term colors on Windows - fix that (tqdm issue #446)
    import colorama
from dask_jobqueue import SLURMCluster
from dask.distributed import Client, get_client, LocalCluster
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import List, Optional, Any, Union

# Local imports
from acme import __deprecated__, __deprecation_wrng__
from .shared import user_input, user_yesno, is_jupyter
from .spy_interface import scalar_parser, log

__all__: List["str"] = ["esi_cluster_setup", "local_cluster_setup", "cluster_cleanup", "slurm_cluster_setup"]

# Setup SLURM workers on the ESI HPC cluster
[docs]def esi_cluster_setup( partition: str, n_workers: int = 2, mem_per_worker: str = "auto", cores_per_worker: Optional[int] = None, n_workers_startup: int = 1, timeout: int = 60, interactive: bool = True, interactive_wait: int = 120, start_client: bool = True, job_extra: List = [], **kwargs: Optional[Any]) -> Union[Client, SLURMCluster, LocalCluster]: """ Start a Dask distributed SLURM worker cluster on the ESI HPC infrastructure (or local multi-processing) Parameters ---------- partition : str Name of SLURM partition/queue to start workers in. Use the command `sinfo` in the terminal to see a list of available SLURM partitions on the ESI HPC cluster. n_workers : int Number of SLURM workers (=jobs) to spawn mem_per_worker : str Memory booking for each worker. Can be specified either in megabytes (e.g., ``mem_per_worker = 1500MB``) or gigabytes (e.g., ``mem_per_worker = "2GB"``). If `mem_per_worker` is `"auto"` it is attempted to infer a sane default value from the chosen partition, e.g., for ``partition = "8GBS"`` `mem_per_worker` is automatically set to the allowed maximum of `'8GB'`. On the IBM POWER partition "E880", `mem_per_worker` is set to 16 GB if not provided. Note, even in queues with guaranteed memory bookings, it is possible to allocate less memory than the allowed maximum per worker to spawn numerous low-memory workers. See Examples for details. cores_per_worker : None or int Number of CPU cores allocated for each worker. If `None`, core-count is set based on partition settings (`DefMemPerCPU`) with respect to CPU architecture (minimum 1 on x86_64, and 4 on IBM POWER). n_workers_startup : int Number of spawned workers to wait for. If `n_workers_startup` is `1` (default), the code does not proceed until either 1 SLURM job is running or the `timeout` interval has been exceeded. timeout : int Number of seconds to wait for requested workers to start (see `n_workers_startup`). interactive : bool If `True`, user input is queried in case not enough workers (set by `n_workers_startup`) could be started in the provided waiting period (determined by `timeout`). The code waits `interactive_wait` seconds for a user choice - if none is provided, it continues with the current number of running workers (if greater than zero). If `interactive` is `False` and no worker could not be started within `timeout` seconds, a `TimeoutError` is raised. interactive_wait : int Countdown interval (seconds) to wait for a user response in case fewer than `n_workers_startup` workers could be started. If no choice is provided within the given time, the code automatically proceeds with the current number of active dask workers. start_client : bool If `True`, a distributed computing client is launched and attached to the dask worker cluster. If `start_client` is `False`, only a distributed computing cluster is started to which compute-clients can connect. job_extra : list Extra sbatch parameters to pass to SLURMCluster. **kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments can be used to control job-submission details. Returns ------- proc : object A distributed computing client (if ``start_client = True``) or a distributed computing cluster (otherwise). Examples -------- The following command launches 10 SLURM workers with 2 gigabytes memory each in the `8GBS` partition >>> client = esi_cluster_setup(n_workers=10, partition="8GBS", mem_per_worker="2GB") Use default settings to start 2 SLURM workers in the IBM POWER E880 partition (allocating 4 cores and 16 GB memory per worker) >>> client = esi_cluster_setup(partition="E880") The underlying distributed computing cluster can be accessed using >>> client.cluster Notes ----- The employed parallel computing engine relies on the concurrent processing library `Dask <>`_. Thus, the distributed computing clients generated here are in fact instances of :class:`distributed.Client`. This function specifically acts as a wrapper for :class:`dask_jobqueue.SLURMCluster`. Users familiar with Dask in general and its distributed scheduler and cluster objects in particular, may leverage Dask's entire API to fine-tune parallel processing jobs to their liking (if wanted). See also -------- dask_jobqueue.SLURMCluster : launch a dask cluster of SLURM workers slurm_cluster_setup : start a distributed Dask cluster of parallel processing workers using SLURM local_cluster_setup : start a local Dask multi-processing cluster on the host machine cluster_cleanup : remove dangling parallel processing worker-clusters """ # For later reference: dynamically fetch name of current function funcName = "<{}>".format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) # type: ignore # Backwards compatibility: legacy keywords are converted to new nomenclature if any(kw in kwargs for kw in __deprecated__): log.warning(__deprecation_wrng__) n_workers = kwargs.pop("n_jobs", n_workers) # type: ignore mem_per_worker = kwargs.pop("mem_per_job", mem_per_worker) n_workers_startup = kwargs.pop("n_jobs_startup", n_workers_startup) # type: ignore log.debug("Set `n_workers = n_jobs`, `mem_per_worker = mem_per_job`\ and `n_workers_startup = n_jobs_startup`") # Don't start a new cluster on top of an existing one try: client = get_client() log.debug("Found existing client") if count_online_workers(client.cluster) == 0: log.debug("No active workers detected in %s", str(client)) cluster_cleanup(client) else:"Found existing parallel computing client %s. \ Not starting new cluster.", str(client)) if start_client: return client return client.cluster except ValueError: log.debug("No existing clients detected") # Check if SLURM's `sinfo` can be accessed log.debug("Test if `sinfo` is available") proc = subprocess.Popen("sinfo", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, shell=True) _, err = proc.communicate() # Any non-zero return-code means SLURM is not ready to use if proc.returncode != 0: # SLURM is not installed: either allocate `LocalCluster` or just leave if proc.returncode > 0: if interactive: msg = "{name:s} SLURM does not seem to be installed on this machine " +\ "({host:s}). Do you want to start a local multi-processing " +\ "computing client instead? " startLocal = user_yesno(msg.format(name=funcName, host=socket.gethostname()), default="no") else: startLocal = True if startLocal: return local_cluster_setup(interactive=interactive, start_client=start_client) # SLURM is installed, but something's wrong msg = "Cannot access SLURM queuing system from node %s: %s " log.error(msg, socket.gethostname(), err) raise IOError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(socket.gethostname(), err))) # Use default by-worker process count or extract it from anonymous keyword args (if provided) processes_per_worker = kwargs.pop("processes_per_worker", 1) log.debug("Found `sinfo`, set `processes_per_worker` to %d", processes_per_worker) # Get micro-architecture of submitting host mArch = platform.machine() # If partition is "auto" use `mem_per_worker` to pick pseudo-optimal partition # Note: the `np.where` gymnastic below is necessary since `argmin` refuses # to return multiple matches; if `mem_per_worker` is 12, then ``memDiff = [4, 4, ...]``, # however, 8GB won't fit a 12GB worker, so we have to pick the second match 16GB if isinstance(partition, str): if partition == "auto": if not isinstance(mem_per_worker, str) or mem_per_worker.find("estimate_memuse:") < 0: msg = "Cannot auto-select partition without first invoking memory estimation in `ParallelMap`. " log.error(msg) raise IOError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg)) memEstimate = int(mem_per_worker.replace("estimate_memuse:", "")) mem_per_worker = "auto""Automatically selecting SLURM partition...") availPartitions = _get_slurm_partitions() if mArch == "x86_64": gbQueues = np.unique([int(queue.split("GB")[0]) for queue in availPartitions if queue[0].isdigit()]) memDiff = np.abs(gbQueues - memEstimate) queueIdx = np.where(memDiff == memDiff.min())[0][-1] partition = "{}GBXS".format(gbQueues[queueIdx]) else: partition = "E880" mem_per_worker = f"{memEstimate} GB" msg = "Picked partition %s based on estimated memory consumption of %d GB", partition, memEstimate) else: if (partition == "E880" and mArch == "x86_64") or \ (mArch == "ppc64le" and partition != "E880"): otherArch = list(set(["x86_64", "ppc64le"]).difference([mArch]))[0] msg = "Cannot start SLURM workers in partition %s with " +\ "architecture %s from submitting host with architecture %s. " +\ "Start x86_64 workers from esi-svhpc{1,2,3} and POWER workers from the hub." raise ValueError(msg%(partition, otherArch, mArch)) # Convert "auto" memory selection query to `None` for easier handling below` if isinstance(mem_per_worker, str) and mem_per_worker == "auto": mem_per_worker = None # type: ignore log.debug("Using auto-memory selection") # If not explicitly provided, extract by-worker CPU core count from # partition via `DefMeMPerCPU` and `mem_per_worker` if cores_per_worker is None: try: log.debug("Using `scontrol` to get partition info") pc ="scontrol -o show partition {}".format(partition), capture_output=True, check=True, shell=True, text=True) defMem = int(pc.stdout.strip().partition("DefMemPerCPU=")[-1].split()[0]) log.debug("Found DefMemPerCPU=%d", defMem) except Exception as exc: msg = "Cannot fetch available memory per CPU in SLURM: %s" log.error(msg, str(exc)) raise IOError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(str(exc)))) # Use ESI-specific x86_64 partition layout (8GB(S/X/L), 16GB(S/X/L), ... ) # to get infer memory and core count; use "sane" (fat quotes) # defaults on IBM POWER (if nothing was provided, use 4 cores/16 GB per worker) if mArch == "x86_64": memPerCore = 8000 else: if mem_per_worker is not None: try: memVal = float(mem_per_worker.replace("MB", "").replace("GB", "")) except: raise ValueError("Invalid value of `mem_per_worker`: %s"%mem_per_worker) if memVal <= 0: raise ValueError("Value of `mem_per_worker` has to be > 0!") if "MB" in mem_per_worker: defMem = int(memVal) else: defMem = int(round(memVal * 1000)) log.debug("Found `mem_per_worker` set to %d MB", defMem) else: defMem = 16000 # default to 4 cores per worker if no mem req was specified mem_per_worker = f"{defMem} MB" log.debug("No `mem_per_worker` specified, using default of %d MB", defMem) memPerCore = 4000 # Set core-count per worker (applies to both x86_64 and ppc64le) cores_per_worker = max(1, int(defMem / memPerCore)) log.debug("Derived core-count from partition: `cores_per_worker=%d`", cores_per_worker) # Determine if `job_extra`` is a list (this is also checked in `slurm_cluster_setup`, # but we may need to append to it, so ensure that's possible) if not isinstance(job_extra, list): msg = "`job_extra` has to be a list, not %s" log.error(msg, str(type(job_extra))) raise TypeError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(str(type(job_extra))))) # If '--output' was not provided, append default output folder to `job_extra` if not any(option.startswith("--output") or option.startswith("-o") for option in job_extra): log.debug("Auto-populating `--output` setting for sbatch") usr = getpass.getuser() slurm_wdir = "/cs/slurm/{usr:s}/{usr:s}_{date:s}" slurm_wdir = slurm_wdir.format(usr=usr,'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')) os.makedirs(slurm_wdir, exist_ok=True) log.debug("Using %s for slurm logs", slurm_wdir) out_files = os.path.join(slurm_wdir, "slurm-%j.out") job_extra.append("--output={}".format(out_files)) log.debug("Setting `--output=%s`", out_files) # Let the SLURM-specific setup function do the rest (returns client or cluster) return slurm_cluster_setup(partition, cores_per_worker, n_workers, # type: ignore processes_per_worker, mem_per_worker, n_workers_startup, timeout, interactive, interactive_wait, start_client, job_extra, invalid_partitions=["DEV", "ESI"], **kwargs)
# Setup SLURM cluster
[docs]def slurm_cluster_setup( partition: str = "partition_name", n_cores: int = 1, n_workers: int = 1, processes_per_worker: int = 1, mem_per_worker: str = "1GB", n_workers_startup: int = 1, timeout: int = 60, interactive: bool = True, interactive_wait: int = 10, start_client: bool = True, job_extra: List = [], invalid_partitions: List = [], **kwargs: Optional[Any]) -> Union[Client, SLURMCluster, None]: """ Start a distributed Dask cluster of parallel processing workers using SLURM **NOTE** If you are working on the ESI HPC cluster, please use :func:`~acme.esi_cluster_setup` instead! Parameters ---------- partition : str Name of SLURM partition/queue to use n_cores : int Number of CPU cores per SLURM worker n_workers : int Number of SLURM workers (=jobs) to spawn processes_per_worker : int Number of processes to use per SLURM job (=worker). Should be greater than one only if the chosen partition contains nodes that expose multiple cores per job. mem_per_worker : str Memory allocation for each worker n_workers_startup : int Number of spawned SLURM workers to wait for. The code does not return until either `n_workers_startup` SLURM jobs are running or the `timeout` interval (see below) has been exceeded. timeout : int Number of seconds to wait for requested workers to start (see `n_workers_startup`). interactive : bool If `True`, user input is queried in case not enough workers (set by `n_workers_startup`) could be started in the provided waiting period (determined by `timeout`). The code waits `interactive_wait` seconds for a user choice - if none is provided, it continues with the current number of running workers (if greater than zero). If `interactive` is `False` and no worker could not be started within `timeout` seconds, a `TimeoutError` is raised. interactive_wait : int Countdown interval (seconds) to wait for a user response in case fewer than `n_workers_startup` workers could be started. If no choice is provided within the given time, the code automatically proceeds with the current number of active dask workers. start_client : bool If `True`, a distributed computing client is launched and attached to the dask worker cluster. If `start_client` is `False`, only a distributed computing cluster is started to which compute-clients can connect. job_extra : list Extra sbatch parameters to pass to SLURMCluster. invalid_partition : list List of partition names (strings) that are not available for launching dask workers. Returns ------- proc : object or None A distributed computing client (if ``start_client = True``) or a distributed computing cluster (otherwise). If no SLURM workers can be started within the given timeout interval, `proc` is set to `None`. See also -------- dask_jobqueue.SLURMCluster : launch a dask cluster of SLURM workers esi_cluster_setup : start a SLURM worker cluster on the ESI HPC infrastructure local_cluster_setup : start a local Dask multi-processing cluster on the host machine cluster_cleanup : remove dangling parallel processing worker-clusters """ # For later reference: dynamically fetch name of current function funcName = "<{}>".format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) # type: ignore # Backwards compatibility: legacy keywords are converted to new nomenclature if any(kw in kwargs for kw in __deprecated__): log.warning(__deprecation_wrng__) n_workers = kwargs.pop("n_jobs", n_workers) # type: ignore processes_per_worker = kwargs.pop("workers_per_job", processes_per_worker) # type: ignore mem_per_worker = kwargs.pop("mem_per_job", mem_per_worker) # type: ignore n_workers_startup = kwargs.pop("n_jobs_startup", n_workers_startup) # type: ignore log.debug("Set `n_workers = n_jobs`, `processes_per_worker = workers_per_job`, \ `mem_per_worker = mem_per_job` \ and `n_workers_startup = n_jobs_startup`") # Retrieve all partitions currently available in SLURM availPartitions = _get_slurm_partitions() # Make sure we're in a valid partition if partition not in availPartitions: valid = list(set(availPartitions).difference(invalid_partitions)) lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in valid) msg = "Invalid partition selection %s, available SLURM partitions are %s" log.error(msg, str(partition), lgl) raise ValueError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(str(partition), lgl))) log.debug("Found `partition = %s`", partition) # Parse worker count try: scalar_parser(n_workers, varname="n_workers", ntype="int_like", lims=[1, np.inf]) except Exception as exc: log.error("Error parsing `n_workers`") raise exc log.debug("Using `n_workers = %d`", n_workers) # Get requested memory per worker if isinstance(mem_per_worker, str): if mem_per_worker == "auto": mem_per_worker = None # type: ignore log.debug("Using auto-memory selection") if mem_per_worker is not None: msg = "`mem_per_worker` has to be a valid memory specifier (e.g., '8GB', '12000MB'), not %s" if not isinstance(mem_per_worker, str): log.error(msg, str(type(mem_per_worker))) raise TypeError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(str(type(mem_per_worker))))) if not any(szstr in mem_per_worker for szstr in ["MB", "GB"]): log.error(msg, mem_per_worker) raise ValueError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(mem_per_worker))) memNumeric = mem_per_worker.replace("MB", "").replace("GB", "") log.debug("Found `mem_per_worker = %s` in input args", mem_per_worker) try: memVal = float(memNumeric) except: log.error(msg, mem_per_worker) raise ValueError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(mem_per_worker))) if memVal <= 0: log.error(msg, mem_per_worker) raise ValueError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(mem_per_worker))) # Parse worker-waiter count try: scalar_parser(n_workers_startup, varname="n_workers_startup", ntype="int_like", lims=[0, np.inf]) except Exception as exc: log.error("Error parsing `n_workers_startup`") raise exc log.debug("Using `n_workers_startup = %d`", n_workers_startup) # Get memory limit (*in MB*) of chosen partition (guaranteed to exist, cf. above) log.debug("Use `scontrol` to fetch partition's memory limit") pc ="scontrol -o show partition {}".format(partition), capture_output=True, check=True, shell=True, text=True) try: mem_lim = int(pc.stdout.strip().partition("MaxMemPerCPU=")[-1].split()[0]) except IndexError: mem_lim = np.inf # type: ignore log.debug("Found a limit of %s MB", str(mem_lim)) # Consolidate requested memory with chosen partition (or assign default memory) if mem_per_worker is None: if np.isinf(mem_lim): try: mem_per_worker = pc.stdout.strip().partition("DefMemPerCPU=")[-1].split()[0] + "MB" except IndexError: raise ValueError("Cannot infer any default memory setting from partition %s"%partition) else: mem_per_worker = str(mem_lim) + "MB" log.debug("Using partition limit of %s MB", str(mem_lim)) else: if "MB" in mem_per_worker: mem_req = int(memVal) else: mem_req = int(round(memVal * 1000)) if mem_req > mem_lim: msg = "`mem_per_worker` exceeds limit of %d MB for partition %s. " +\ "Capping memory at partition limit. " log.warning(msg, mem_lim, partition) mem_per_worker = str(int(mem_lim)) + "MB" # Parse requested timeout period try: scalar_parser(timeout, varname="timeout", ntype="int_like", lims=[1, np.inf]) except Exception as exc: log.error("Error parsing `timeout`") raise exc log.debug("Using `timeout = %d`", timeout) # Parse requested interactive waiting period try: scalar_parser(interactive_wait, varname="interactive_wait", ntype="int_like", lims=[0, np.inf]) except Exception as exc: log.error("Error parsing `interactive_wait`") raise exc log.debug("Using `interactive_wait = %d`", interactive_wait) # Determine if cluster allocation is happening interactively if not isinstance(interactive, bool): msg = "`interactive` has to be Boolean, not %s" log.error(msg, str(type(interactive))) raise TypeError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(str(type(interactive))))) log.debug("Using `interactive = %s`", str(interactive)) # Determine if a dask client was requested if not isinstance(start_client, bool): msg = "`start_client` has to be Boolean, not %s" log.error(msg, str(type(start_client))) raise TypeError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(str(type(start_client))))) log.debug("Using `start_client = %s`", str(start_client)) # Determine if job_extra is a list if not isinstance(job_extra, list): msg = "`job_extra` has to be List, not %s" log.error(msg, str(type(job_extra))) raise TypeError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(str(type(job_extra))))) # Determine if job_extra options are valid for option in job_extra: msg = "`job_extra` has to be a valid sbatch option, not %s" if not isinstance(option, str): log.error(msg, str(type(option))) raise TypeError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(str(type(option))))) if not option[0] == "-": msg = "`job_extra` options must be flagged with - or --" log.error(msg) raise ValueError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg)) log.debug("Using `job_extra = %s`", str(job_extra)) # Ensure validity of requested worker processes try: scalar_parser(processes_per_worker, varname="processes_per_worker", ntype="int_like", lims=[1, 16]) except Exception as exc: log.error("Error parsing `processes_per_worker`") raise exc log.debug("Using `processes_per_worker = %d`", processes_per_worker) # Check for sanity of requested core count try: scalar_parser(n_cores, varname="n_cores", ntype="int_like", lims=[1, np.inf]) except Exception as exc: log.error("Error parsing `n_cores`") raise exc log.debug("Using `n_cores = %d`", n_cores) # Check validity of '--output' option if provided userOutSpec = [option.startswith("--output") or option.startswith("-o") for option in job_extra] if any(userOutSpec): userOut = job_extra[userOutSpec.index(True)] outSpec = userOut.split("=") if len(outSpec) != 2: msg = "SLURM output directory must be specified using -o/--output=/path/to/file, not %s" log.error(msg, userOut) raise ValueError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(userOut))) slurm_wdir = os.path.split(outSpec[1])[0] if len(slurm_wdir) > 0 and not os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser(slurm_wdir)): msg = "SLURM output location has to be an existing directory, not %s" log.error(msg, slurm_wdir) raise ValueError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(slurm_wdir))) else: slurm_wdir = None log.debug("Using `local_directory = %s`", slurm_wdir) # Create `SLURMCluster` object using provided parameters log.debug("Instantiating `SLURMCluster` object") cluster = SLURMCluster(cores=n_cores, memory=mem_per_worker, processes=processes_per_worker, local_directory=slurm_wdir, queue=partition, python=sys.executable, job_directives_skip=["-t", "--mem"], job_extra_directives=job_extra) # interface="asdf", # interface is set via `psutil.net_if_addrs()` # Compute total no. of workers and up-scale cluster accordingly if n_workers_startup < n_workers: msg = "Requested worker-count %d exceeds `n_workers_startup = %d`, " +\ "waiting for %d workers to come online" log.debug(msg, n_workers, n_workers_startup, n_workers_startup) cluster.scale(n_workers) # Fire up waiting routine to avoid returning an undercooked cluster if _cluster_waiter(cluster, funcName, n_workers, timeout, interactive, interactive_wait): return None # Kill a zombie cluster in non-interactive mode if not interactive and count_online_workers(cluster) == 0: cluster_cleanup(Client(cluster)) msg = "SLURM workers could not be started within given time-out " +\ "interval of %d seconds" log.error(msg, timeout) raise TimeoutError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(timeout))) # Highlight how to connect to dask performance monitor msg = "Parallel computing client ready, dashboard accessible at %s", cluster.dashboard_link) # If client was requested, return that instead of the created cluster if start_client: return Client(cluster) return cluster
def _get_slurm_partitions() -> List: """ Local helper to fetch all partitions defined in SLURM """ # For later reference: dynamically fetch name of current function funcName = "<{}>".format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) # type: ignore # Retrieve all partitions currently available in SLURM log.debug("Use `sinfo` to fetch available partitions") proc = subprocess.Popen("sinfo -h -o %P", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, shell=True) out, err = proc.communicate() # Any non-zero return-code means SLURM is not ready to use if proc.returncode != 0: msg = "Error fetching SLURM partition setup from node %s: %s" log.error(msg, socket.gethostname(), err) raise IOError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(socket.gethostname(), err))) # Return formatted subprocess shell output log.debug("Found partitions: %s", out) return out.split() def _cluster_waiter( cluster: SLURMCluster, funcName: str, total_workers: int, timeout: int, interactive: bool, interactive_wait: int) -> bool: """ Local helper that can be called recursively """ # Wait until all workers have been started successfully or we run out of time wrkrs = count_online_workers(cluster) to = str(timedelta(seconds=timeout))[2:] fmt = "{desc}: {n}/{total} \t[elapsed time {elapsed} | timeout at " + to + "]" ani = tqdm(desc="{} SLURM workers ready".format(funcName), total=total_workers, leave=True, bar_format=fmt, initial=wrkrs, position=0) counter = 0 while count_online_workers(cluster) < total_workers and counter < timeout: time.sleep(1) counter += 1 ani.update(max(0, count_online_workers(cluster) - wrkrs)) wrkrs = count_online_workers(cluster) ani.refresh() # force refresh to display elapsed time every second ani.close() # If we ran out of time before all workers could be started, ask what to do if counter == timeout and interactive: # pragma: no cover msg = "SLURM workers could not be started within given time-out " +\ "interval of %d seconds", timeout) query = "{name:s} Do you want to [k]eep waiting for 60s, [a]bort or " +\ "[c]ontinue with {wrk:d} workers?" choice = user_input(query.format(name=funcName, wrk=wrkrs), valid=["k", "a", "c"], default="c", timeout=interactive_wait) if choice == "k": return _cluster_waiter(cluster, funcName, total_workers, 60, True, 60) elif choice == "a":"Closing cluster...") cluster_cleanup(Client(cluster)) return True else: if wrkrs == 0: query = "{} Cannot continue with 0 workers. Do you want to " +\ "[k]eep waiting for 60s or [a]bort?" choice = user_input(query.format(funcName), valid=["k", "a"], default="a", timeout=60) if choice == "k": _cluster_waiter(cluster, funcName, total_workers, 60, True, 60) else:"Closing cluster...") cluster_cleanup(Client(cluster)) return True return False
[docs]def local_cluster_setup( n_workers: Optional[int] = None, mem_per_worker: Optional[str] = None, interactive: bool = True, start_client: bool = True) -> Union[Client, LocalCluster, None]: """ Start a local distributed Dask multi-processing cluster Parameters ---------- n_workers : int Number of local workers to start (this should align with the locally available hardware, see :class:`distributed.LocalCluster` for details) mem_per_worker : str Memory cap for each local worker (corresponds to the `memory_limit` keyword of a :class:`distributed.worker.Worker`) interactive : bool If `True`, a confirmation dialog is displayed to ensure proper encapsulation of calls to `local_cluster_setup` inside a script's main module block. See Notes for details. If `interactive` is `False`, the dialog is not shown. start_client : bool DEPRECATED. Will be removed in next release. If `True`, a distributed computing client is launched and attached to the workers. If `start_client` is `False`, only a distributed computing cluster is started to which compute-clients can connect. Returns ------- proc : object A distributed computing client (if ``start_client = True``) or a distributed computing cluster (otherwise). If a client cannot be started, `proc` is set to `None`. Notes ----- The way Python spawns new processes requires an explicit separation of initialization code (i.e., code blocks that should only be executed once) from the actual program code. Specifically, everything that is supposed to be invoked only once by the parent spawner must be encapsulated in a script's main block. Otherwise, initialization code is not only run once by the parent process but executed by every child process at import time. This means that starting a local multi-processing cluster *has* to be wrapped inside a script's main module block, otherwise, every child process created by the multi-processing cluster starts a multi-processing cluster itself and so on escalating to an infinite recursion. Thus, if `local_cluster_setup` is called inside a script, it has to be encapsulated in the script's main module block, i.e., .. code-block:: python if __name__ == "__main__": ... local_cluster_setup() ... Note that this capsulation is **only** required inside Python scripts. Launching `local_cluster_setup` in the (i)Python shell or inside a Jupyter notebook does not suffer from this problem. A more in-depth technical discussion of this limitation can be found in `Dask's GitHub issue tracker <>`_. Examples -------- The following command launches a local distributed computing cluster using all CPU cores available on the host machine >>> client = local_cluster_setup() The underlying distributed computing cluster can be accessed using >>> client.cluster See also -------- distributed.LocalCluster : create local worker cluster esi_cluster_setup : Start a distributed Dask cluster using SLURM cluster_cleanup : remove dangling parallel processing worker-clusters """ # For later reference: dynamically fetch name of current function funcName = "<{}>".format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) # type: ignore # Determine if cluster allocation is happening interactively if not isinstance(interactive, bool): msg = "`interactive` has to be Boolean, not %s" log.error(msg, str(type(interactive))) raise TypeError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(str(type(interactive))))) log.debug("Using `interactive = %s`", str(interactive)) # Determine if a dask client was requested if not isinstance(start_client, bool) or start_client is False: log.warning("The keyword `start_client` in `local_cluster_setup` is DEPRECATED and will be ignored.") start_client = True # ...if not, print warning/info message if not is_jupyter(): msg = """\ If you use a script to start a local parallel computing client, please ensure the call to `local_cluster_setup` is wrapped inside a main module block, i.e., if __name__ == "__main__": ... local_cluster_setup() ... Otherwise, a RuntimeError is raised due to an infinite recursion triggered by new processes being started before the calling process can finish its bootstrapping phase. """ msg = textwrap.dedent(msg) log.debug(msg) # Additional safe-guard: if a script is executed, double-check with the user # for proper main idiom usage if interactive: # pragma: no cover msg = "{name:s} If launched from a script, did you wrap your code " +\ "inside a __main__ module block?" if not user_yesno(msg.format(name=funcName), default="no"): return None # Start the actual distributed client if n_workers is not None or mem_per_worker is not None: msg = "Starting `LocalCluster` with `n_workers = %s` and `memory_limit = %s`" log.debug(msg, str(n_workers), str(mem_per_worker)) cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=n_workers, memory_limit=mem_per_worker) client = Client(cluster) else: client = Client() msg = "Local parallel computing client ready, dashboard accessible at %s", client.cluster.dashboard_link) if start_client: return client return client.cluster
[docs]def cluster_cleanup(client: Optional[Client] = None) -> None: """ Stop and close dangling parallel processing workers Parameters ---------- client : dask distributed computing client or None Either a :class:`distributed.Client` or `None`. If `None`, a global client is queried for and shut-down if found (without confirmation!). Returns ------- Nothing : None See also -------- esi_cluster_setup : Launch SLURM workers on the ESI compute cluster slurm_cluster_setup : start a distributed Dask cluster of parallel processing workers using SLURM local_cluster_setup : start a local Dask multi-processing cluster on the host machine """ # For later reference: dynamically fetch name of current function funcName = "<{}>".format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) # type: ignore # Attempt to establish connection to dask client if client is None: try: client = get_client() except ValueError: log.warning("No dangling clients or clusters found.") return except Exception as exc: # pragma: no cover log.error("Error looking for dask client") raise exc else: if not isinstance(client, Client): msg = "`client` has to be a dask client object, not %s" log.error(msg, str(type(client))) raise TypeError("%s %s"%(funcName, msg%(str(type(client))))) log.debug("Found client %s", str(client)) # Prepare message for prompt if client.cluster.__class__.__name__ == "LocalCluster": userClust = "LocalCluster hosted on {}".format(client.scheduler_info()["address"]) else: userName = getpass.getuser() outDir = client.cluster.job_header.partition("--output=")[-1] jobID = outDir.partition("{}_".format(userName))[-1].split(os.sep)[0] userClust = "cluster {0}_{1}".format(userName, jobID) nWorkers = count_online_workers(client.cluster) # First gracefully shut down all workers, then close client client.retire_workers(list(client.scheduler_info()['workers']), close_workers=True) client.close() try: client.cluster.close() except Exception as exc: log.warning("Could not gracefully shut down cluster: %s", str(exc)) # Communicate what just happened and get outta here msg = "Successfully shut down %s containing %d workers", userClust, nWorkers) return
def count_online_workers(cluster: SLURMCluster) -> int: """ Local replacement for the late `._count_active_workers` class method """ return len([w["memory_limit"] for w in cluster.scheduler_info["workers"].values()])